34 Series Pro-Stix Carbon Fiber Tripod Release

Posted by Tony Papa on 3/28/2017 to NEWS / PRODUCT UPDATES
34 Series Pro-Stix Carbon Fiber Tripod Release
Just Launched! Pro-Stix 34 Series, 3 and 4 Section Carbon Fiber Tripods

Orland Park, IL: ProMediaGear Introduces "Pro-Stix" Series Carbon Fiber Tripods featuring 34mm diameter, 10x layer top legs and a machined aluminum apex. The latest 34 series consists of 4 Models TR343, TR343L, TR344, TR344L.

Boomerang Flash Bracket BBGv2 / BBX Differences

Posted by Tony Papa on 3/9/2017 to NEWS / PRODUCT UPDATES
Boomerang Flash Bracket BBGv2 / BBX Differences

What is the difference between a BBX and the BBGv2 Award Winning Boomerang Flash Bracket? Attached is a great flyer we put together to better support you, our customer.

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